Tips to Pivot Your Marketing in a Pandemic

I'm a small business owner, so I understand it's an unprecedented time. We're in a Pandemic, and between government ordered shut downs and a looming recession, if you can't afford marketing, you just can't. I get it. HOWEVER, in my professional opinion, a crisis is just about the worst time to reduce the effort and energy you put into communicating with your clients, customers, and prospects.

In fact, I'd argue that if you don't take these steps to pivot your business, you're missing a huge opportunity.

Step Up Your Social Media. If you are not stepping up your social media to interact right now, you are missing a massive opportunity. You should be over-communicating your business continuity plans, finding unique ways to connect with your customers, and, depending on your business, using the platforms sell online. Run promotions for gift cards to your business, if you can't open right now. Take photos of your inventory and post fun and unique ways someone could use your products during the shut down. Use your sphere of expertise to offer added value right now. If you're an accountant, attorney or financial planner - give advice to other small businesses on how to navigate the PPP and EIDL loans available to small business owners. Demonstrate your expertise and use this time to build the know, like and trust factors critical to winning new business.

Update Your Website. It seems logical, but I can't tell you how many businesses I have seen that have not taken the time to add a COVID-19 response on their website. If you do not have a basic knowledge of how to make an website update, you either need to learn how or hire someone. Again over-communication is key.

Your customer needs to know your hours of operation. Are your physical offices open, or are you working remote?

Your customers need to know you have shifted your business, and you can't rely that they saw it on Facebook post or in an email that has been buried in junk mail. And better yet, if you're low on things to do, take this time and improve your content.

Also this is a good time to update your site and make sure your site has all the keywords you want to rank for.

Check for the sin of "Tone-Deafery." There is nothing worse than some old content on your website or social media pages that hits differently in a pandemic, and reflects poorly on your brand. Make sure you do a thorough review of your public marketing assets so that you are not featuring any content that would be considered insensitive to the time we are in.

In a time where people are hurting and in pain, your ad campaigns, slogans and posts should be sensitive to the needs of your clients and customers. Also this is a good time update content around things we're just not doing these days — like having large get-togethers or going to professional sporting events.

Update your website or social media photos with context relevant images, where people are wearing masks or doing web calls.

Making this effort will show your brand is both relevant and responsive. Stay safe and healthy!


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